I'm feeling....

Guess what im feeling today?!...well, you will know when you read untill the end of the story...pls read !

Today is the public holiday , and i still need to go back to the Green Apple Ballet Academy to practise ' Swan Lake' (name of the dance)..but the studio is so crowded even an ant also can't walk into the studio (imagine wat the situation like), and wat the hell is happening with the clerk! Im asking for my letters! Just check the letters and tell me when i can get it! Gosh!..i need to wait about 10~20 min to wait for her ! For wat?! for the Gossip with student's parents!..What about the rehearsal??..give up! why?..because no rehearsal today!! WHAT?! don't you ask the clerk??...yeah! I already ask yesterday!...But why no rehearsal??...CUZ THE CLERK GAVE ME THE WRONG TIMETABLE! (damn it!)

so....do you understand wat my feelings now??.....hope i will cheer up!


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