

这几天你过得开心吗?这么久以来你都很严肃,有时候会让我感到很压力一下,两下,三百下的lorh! 7 个月后我才看到你可以那么放松的跟我玩。。。跟我开玩笑! 甚至可以参跟我的朋友一起。。。让我感到很有面子!我有一个那么好的老公。。。谢谢!偷偷告诉你啦~子敏说你是一个很好的男朋友。。。要我好好的珍惜你!你没看到吗? 我这几天都一直在跟你玩!。。你却说我欺负你!。。。我就是爱骚痒你又怎样?! 催啊~谁叫你酱怕!。。。哈哈哈! 你被我气到了!。。对吧?! 不要偷骂我哦!。。。不然就像啊伯的!哈哈哈!!。。。


new pics!

is me...at Voir

Can i scream?!

啊!!!!! 救命啊!!!!

I HATE BLOOD! today is the black thursday to me..i went to the dental and the dentist plucked off my tooth!So painful! and is full of blood...you know why i plucked off the tooth?

Cuz of the braces...you know i need space for teeth to grow..lolx
but i need to visit the dentist again...maybe next week i think...I have no choice!
I just wish tat this bad dream will go away and new teeth will grow as fast as possible!!

my problem...my worried

Guys...you know what? today im suffering frm the braces its so torturing! The dentist use a kind of metal and stuck in my teeth and it need to hold for three months!goshh!! can you imagine how my lifes will go on?!....sucks!

At the end I choose to give up....and the dentist gave me another options..that is to remove two teeth and let the teeth grew and placed the braces up...(i dont want to remove my teeth!!) but this wont make the teeth 100% perfect!...

duh...tell you something! im so worry abt the PMR and U.E.C cuz i havent finish the revision! im scared that i cannot hit my target! haiz...but i will keep it up ! i will try my best to hit the target!

recently...my frens are facing some problems,im willing to help they all..but hw do other ppl think? will they think like so "kei-po" wanna interrupt other ppl's problem?...i dare not ask this kind of question...


从小到大我都没有承受过那么痛苦的事。。如今我尝试到了! 原来绑牙是那么痛苦的事!。。。受不了了!怎办?现在只是绑下面一排而已还有上面要绑。。。ooh my godness~! 绑牙的过程很惨。。好像被虐待一样!。。。也流了很多血。。。


just now i went to gurney wit mummy..



Marching result

YEAH!! WE'VE MAD IT !!! we are going to take part again at sports day(marching)...but i think there must be very hot whn the sun directly spot at us...haiz~...i dont wanna to get dark!!!..sobsob~

Boring School...

heyy ya'll..guess where im i now??...haha!..im at school now using school's computer
but i seems very boring here dunno where to go...


今天有班marching比赛。。一大清早就在那边senang diri..rehatkan diri....(annoy)把一整天的力气用完了。。。不累才怪!那个还不是很重要...最重要的是化学我还搞不懂怎样做!。。。一大堆的东西要算,要记得。。so kesian myself..

today i oso went to ballet too...learn alot of things and make alot of frens...^^
but keep toking thn made alot of mistake!...(hehe)...ahhh-lahh! nvm !...i will practise harder nx time...! wish me luck!

Chemistry..SC lab....

I'm feeling like dint blog for many years..haha! Today's school life was so interesting! guess what?! today v went to Sc lab...we are observing hibiscus's pollen grains...cool~using a magnifying glass and micrps....hah!....FUN^^


我想过了,我不可以酱容易就承认自己是失败的!。。我输了一盘我必须连本带利的读回来!。。。Writing chinese feeling so weird...为了大考我必须。。。努!力!读!书!GAMBATEH!!


我今年就要大考了!!不只要努力读书但也要懂得技巧啊!!我要从何下手去读?!救命啊!!想起来的时候感觉很不想面对。。。担又很想努力。。但当要努力的时候又一大堆的事情要处理。。。WHO CAN HELP ME PLEASE!...感觉迷失了自己的方向。。好恐怖哦!

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