my worried know what? today im suffering frm the braces its so torturing! The dentist use a kind of metal and stuck in my teeth and it need to hold for three months!goshh!! can you imagine how my lifes will go on?!!

At the end I choose to give up....and the dentist gave me another options..that is to remove two teeth and let the teeth grew and placed the braces up...(i dont want to remove my teeth!!) but this wont make the teeth 100% perfect!...

duh...tell you something! im so worry abt the PMR and U.E.C cuz i havent finish the revision! im scared that i cannot hit my target! haiz...but i will keep it up ! i will try my best to hit the target! frens are facing some problems,im willing to help they all..but hw do other ppl think? will they think like so "kei-po" wanna interrupt other ppl's problem?...i dare not ask this kind of question...


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