
今天一大清早我就起床了!(9.30a.m 还算早吗?〕我第一件事情就是整理房间,我最讨厌看到messy 的lorh!...然后就sms my sweety~thn we play bubble talk! haha..he so cute! muackxz~love him so much!after that i go to draw my pictures and do my homework...duh~数学so hard!

过后一点多mummy ask me wanna go grandma hus anot?....i think very long time lor...then here soo there soo...soo untill 2 somethin only go bath..hehe~!然后就发现一些新的东西!哈哈哈~(。。。学长你应该懂吧?〕然后妈妈就去吃午餐,但我没有吃!。。。我只吃雪糕!~yummy!
然后我们就去姨姨家等大姨姨。。。好多姨姨哦~哈哈!after that we go Khun Thai Restaurant eat dinner lorh...like tat nia...haha!...and i have a wonderful dinner at there!


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