
Well...erm many days dint post anything here..haha!
Cuz recently busying project and blah..balh..blah!....I have some good news and some bad news wanna tell you, it is uhm...the bad news is my mum just met an accident last friday...WHAT A BALCK FRIDAY!! The whole matter is like that...i went to Prangin mall with my friend and ...but then abt at 2 something my mum called me she said she met an accident and now she is on the way to hospital...she ask me to go back bt myself...wat the heck! i dunno how to go back by worry of her

Looking for smthin to eat...

What the F_ _ _ _!! i cant eat anything recently! Hell man!!

OMG...uhm, what i want to tell you is a very torturing one...i have a braces now and its very sucks ! painful!...not only that i cant eat anything ecpt water..porridge
i cant study...this is what im worrying

cuz PMr is coming soon...and of course UEC the hardest one!

i dunno how to do exactly dunno wat to do!!


ooh yeah~

WOW!!..feeling absolutely fresh now! whooah~

to be continued soon...

( no title) feeling a bit down now and just wanna find someone to have a chat're right im unhappy now and it is very unhappy !
i dont know how to express myself just feeling frustrated and wanna scratch somethiand just yelled!...i know this is stupid,although this method is stupid i just wanna cried out all my things...many things happened in this few weeks and i still havent overcome myself yet...1st is my cousins passed away then is my exams results especially is my UEC's maths...ugh! juz forget about it! useless to me... and now is our new form teacher, i know we gotta change place this is what i've worried the whole days...starring at nothin wit no reason...beside that i din eat dinner and din do revision..juz thinking nothin like the body out of sorry!

UEC and PMR is coming now and i havent get know wat, sometimes im feeling like i wanna give up everythings...i mean my studies
but how?...i cant made it! whn the lecture hand me the result sheet paper i just wanna cry ! i know im useless now...
I'll just give sorry

saw you... feeling urge to post new things up here...
haha...i saw my darling today!! hooray! know what,i dint saw him for more thn one weeks and im feeling the i've lost something important in my life..well now..i saw him and whn the first sight I saw him...i have too much things and stuff wanna tell him !...but I dont know how to express myself and the whole gang of guys starred at me...and im feeling a bit of shy...haha!
but he dint seems like very 'high' whn saw me juz walk towards me and tell he is came here very early and juz went to Mc donald hav a breakfast and ee jin...and i juz still can overcome myself being of so shy...WTH!!
Anyway, he cover me alot whn im scared, frightened...haha
i juz wanna say whn i saw you today I hope that the time would freeze at tat moment...juz wanna saw you smiling sweetly at me...babe i love you very much!

i love this

Babe, i wants this



This few days im nt feeling like blogging cuz im nt happy...(babe you should know why)


Went hiking...

see my dog at

the car~we went hiking ngek ngek~

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