saw you... feeling urge to post new things up here...
haha...i saw my darling today!! hooray! know what,i dint saw him for more thn one weeks and im feeling the i've lost something important in my life..well now..i saw him and whn the first sight I saw him...i have too much things and stuff wanna tell him !...but I dont know how to express myself and the whole gang of guys starred at me...and im feeling a bit of shy...haha!
but he dint seems like very 'high' whn saw me juz walk towards me and tell he is came here very early and juz went to Mc donald hav a breakfast and ee jin...and i juz still can overcome myself being of so shy...WTH!!
Anyway, he cover me alot whn im scared, frightened...haha
i juz wanna say whn i saw you today I hope that the time would freeze at tat moment...juz wanna saw you smiling sweetly at me...babe i love you very much!


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