Cambridge English Lesson

Lecture: Isal Amutan
Educational background:9 years for teaching english
Cambridge University of England.

Hmm...wat I wanna tel abt is the course that I hv attended today at Komtar auditorium C.
Its a course that is focus on PMR , it not only teach you tips for answering multiple-question but it is oso teach you how to elaborate on paper 2...wat a amazing course! you know wat buddy...the course only cost RM15 per pax!!
wat a waste if you dint attend!

At first Im thinking very silly question,i tot that the speaker will be a malay and I juz sit there listen to tat guy for toking 3 and a half hours!but buddy, if you have the same thinkng as same as WRONG!!

C'mon believe me !
you will know when the class dismiss! how fun the class is!
you know what i hope that the class wont dismiss...

Im thinking that after my PMR is over i will be attend all the courses abt Cambridge
i love it and i hope you can join me to the course! do let me know if you are interested!


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